Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, is an ancient healing system that
seeks balance through a variety of treatment modalities, in order to
establish a healthy state of both body and mind.
As the TCM practitioner for Balance Health+ Wellness, Lisa Crowe L.Ac., practices both acupuncture and herbal medicinals with an equal focus on foods, lifestyle, movement, and emotional wellbeing that are tailored specifically for the individual. Moxibustion, cupping, gua sha and tui na are additional treatment modalities that can also be utilized by Lisa. By practicing these elements together, treatments are strengthened and one is brought into a healthy state of balance and wellness.
The quote: “When positive or joyous feelings pass through each organ and
circulate throughout our whole system, our physical and chemical energies
are transformed and balanced.” forms a core belief in Lisa’s treatment
Whether you are experiencing sleep issues, headaches, digestive
concerns, depression, pain or more, Chinese Medicine can treat the
symptoms and get to the root of the imbalance.
Other health conditions treated by TCM:
high blood pressure
weight loss
addiction recovery
menopause symptoms
gynecological conditions
skin conditions
TMJ syndrome